QSL Policy:
In thesedaysofmobiletelephones,
e-mailandeasyworld-widecommunications, I cansee no point in exchanging QSL cardsforeverydayrag-chewing or contestQSOs. I canunderstandthedesireforcards to confirmanunusualcontact, forexample
a verylong distance LF
QSO. My QSL policy is therefore to onlysendcards in response
to thosewho QSL directandwhoalsoincludeadequatereturnpostage. I am also a LoTWuser so feelfree to matchyour log fordigitalcertificationthere.
Youcaneasilyaskfor QSL cardover OQRS (Online QSL Requests) whichallowyou to requestdirect or bureaucards, usuallysendingcardsviabureauonce a year, from CLUBLOG searchpage, without
sending me a physical card.