My contest
results from year 1992 up to now on my Radio club RK Cerkno, S50E web page.
Call sign: S50U
First & Last name: Danilo Brelih
Year of birth: 1965
Permanent address : Gorje 14A, 5282 Cerkno, Slovenia
Short Ham history - When did you get your license, calls held, where,etc.
I got my first HAM license in 1979 when I was still in the elementary
school. I started with the local QSO's especially on 80m SSB. After only a few months,
with a lot of help from Brane, S51B, I got involved in EU CW roundtables. I mainly used
the club sign YU3IXY and after 1983 when I passed exam for the second degree I begun using
my personal callsign YU3HA.When Slovenia became independent in 1992, I got S59WA. In 1996
I finally choose S50U.
Elmers - Who was there to help you get started in ham radio and in
contesting? Is there someone special in ham radio for you or that you have helped get on
the air?
In my hometown Cerkno, the amateur radio started with the arrival of
Miran Voncina, curently S50O. In 1978 he organized an amateur radio course in the
elementary school. After we successfully passed the exams, Miran and his XYL Adelka
gratefully offered us a room in their apartment. In that room Miran taught us everything
about operating techniques and many times this was prolonged late in the night. Without
Miran, S50O, I don't imagine the existence of the today's club S50E where he is a
You have gone on some expeditions for contests - which was your
favorite? Your least favorite? Any upcoming trips?
So far I haven't been on any contest expedition. You should remember
the fact that our contest location is at 1300 asl. and the equipment has to be carried by
yourself, even with a lot of snow. If I can get some sponsors in the future, I will gladly
participate in some DX or contest expedition.
Can you describe your current station and possible future plans for
My contest location is the same as my club location S50E. Three towers
are equipped for competitive work of all ranges throughout the year. The aerials are
maintained a lot because of the difficult weather conditions. A new location at Gorski Vrh with the
emphasis on the lower bands with lots of wires for RX antennas is build. I especially
enjoy to compete on 160m CW. Please look at a few photos on my Internet home page.
What about WRTC 2000? How did you become involved?
I became interested on the WRTC in 1996 during the extra ordinary visit
of numerous S5 OPs in San Francisco. Due to financial difficulties I wasn't able to attend
the show. According to my excellent contest results, I was chosen as a leader of the
Slovenia group for WRTC 2000 on Bled. I think this is a very special challenge for every
Where do you see contesting headed in general? Can you identify any
trends that are of interest?
The trend will most probably head towards extremely professional
sophisticately prepared contest station and well trained crew, "A Formula One era
approach by OH2BH" where the operator concentrates on the driving of the station
only, and the team does everything else. I cooperate with the European HF contest
committee. The year of the first license is sent there together with RST. Thus I have
information which shows that even in the recent period of Internet, mobile phones, PC
games etc. the number of new HAM licenses doesn't decrease as shown in the following table
from 1999 EUHFC results :
1960-1969 740
1970-1979 1291
1980-1989 1486
1990-1999 1481
It's obvious, that 24 hours contest format is very dynamic, have high
QSO rates and all this attracts younger contestants unable to build new "BIGGUN"
stations or travel long distance to the high-tech contest station at an optimum DX
location. The participation in the contests might be greater if people respect the rules
regarding the power limit and multi op./single band. Namely, there are some people who
sacrifice fair play for a better results. Something should be done in this direction too.
What really gets you excited about contesting and in ham radio?
It can be seen in the contest how much work one has to put in the
improvement of the location and operation techniques in order to achieve the top results.